
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Skriva/ Stockhom 2016

Bloody GPS!

Well, what a weekend!
Jam-packed with authors telling us their stories of woe, hardship, writers-block, success and the never ending joy of writing. Inspirational!

But let's start at the beginning! Did the GPS get us lost...yes, yes it did! *sigh
I cannot explain how many f**k you's the built-in GPS got. Thankfully I'm not totally new to finding my way around new cities so, no panic. Quick serach on google maps and we found we were only 5 minutes off course. Which is great! But seriously the built-in car GPS is a total bitch, I cannot stand her. I will personally kill her off in a book one day and bury her hard drive deep in the scorching sands of the Sahara.
I kinda want to download Morgan Freeman or Billy Connolly instead, or better yet Dawn french!

So, we finally arrived at our hotel, Quality Hotel Nacka, in Stockholm.
I have always been skeptical to anything that claims in it's title to be ' Quality', so needless to say my expectations where put on high alert...will this be a motel acting like a hotel? Scenes from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho flashing through my mind. "Although a creepy motel makes for a better storyline..." I thought.

Pleasently surprised, it was a lovely hotel and the food and service was wonderful. Not to mention that many of the men and women attending the Skriva conference were also in the hotel which meant that, thanx to blogger sofffieplopp , we had a great get together that evening with at least 20-25 of us all eating dinner together.
Large engorged Breasts
The only downer of the evening, for me (probably me alone!), where my Dolly Parton impersonating engorged breasts! 
Yup, you read it correctly! I could feel my top getting tighter around my chest and god forbid my arms grazed against the sides of my now incredibly tender bosom. To enjoy my weekend away I had to leave my 9mnth baby behind (*listen carefully and you can hear my heart break slightly!), which meant I had all the paraphernalia to pump the crap out of my breasts for 3 days. during a meal , however, you cant really say "Exscuse me everyone, I will be about 10 minutes, I've got to pump my breasts before I leak all over my Rissotto" smile shyly and then run like hell as I hold my breast tightly so they neither bounce nor squirt anyone in the eye as I race towards the elevator. 

Breastfeeding is really a great and wonderful thing to do with your child, the built and nutrition you and your baby has is beyond anything that can be described. Although, seeing as I have just been to a workshop with Anders Fager explaining how to explain 'feelings' I could probably find the correct words.
But being away from you baby when you are a breastfeeding mother is not written about as often. I had alarms on my phone so I could pump roughly the same time as my baby would be getting her feed at home (my already expressed milk left behind). When their was no way of getting back to the hotel to express, however, it resulted into painfully squishing the crap out of my breasts into any faucet that would have me. 
Haha This will be creeping so many guys out, but it is the god honest truth and NATURAL. To relieve a little pressure squirt out a little milk in between pump time, works a charm ladies (and saves your posh blouse from getting milk stains!).


It was so much fun to spend the weekend with multi award winning author Julie Hodgson (my mum) and get to be silly and talk Books books books. 

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